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Whey Can Increase Protein Levels Without Negatively Impacting Overall Dietary Intake In Older Adults

Sarcopenia – the loss of muscle mass and strength that occurs naturally with aging – can be mitigated by ensuring sufficient protein intake. Reducing the rate of muscle loss is a key factor for maintaining a free and active lifestyle in the advancing years. However, since protein is the most satiating nutrient and appetite diminishes with age, it could be supposed that adding more protein to the diet could lead to an overall reduction in calorie and nutrient intake at a time when they are critical.

While the current UK recommended nutrient intake (RNI) for protein is 0.75g per kg body weight, and the US RNI is 46g for women and 56g for men, other groups have recommended higher levels to be optimal for this group, as shown in the table below.

However, many adults are not achieving their optimal intake, with 36% failing to meet the UK recommendations and a monstrous 85% failing to meet the ESPEN recommendations. Furthermore, protein intake tends to be skewed to the evening, though achieving 25-30g protein at each meal and spreading protein intake throughout the day has been shown to be optimal.

A recent study looked at whether adding a daily whey protein supplement in the form of a gel containing 20g whey protein impacted appetite and overall nutrient intake in 50–75-year-olds. In a cross-over design, Tuttiett et al (2021) also investigated whether there was any impact from having the whey gel in the morning after breakfast, or in the evening before bed.

The researchers found that the addition of a gel did not impact overall appetite or habitual macronutrient intake, i.e. they did not alter the amount of protein, fat and carbohydrate they naturally consumed when excluding the contribution from of protein from the gel. However, the gel did increase overall protein intake.

With regards to the timing of protein supplementation, there was no difference in hunger, satisfaction or eating desire between morning and evening feedings. Since protein intake is typical skewed to the evening, a post-breakfast protein supplement can offer a beneficial strategy to increase protein intake at a time when it is typically low.

Further references and reading:
Department of Health. Dietary Reference Values for Food Energy and Nutrients Report of the Panel on Dietary Reference Values of the Committee on Medical Aspects of Food Policy; Report on Health and Social Subjects 41; HMSO: London, UK, 1991.
Bauer, J.; Biolo, G.; Cederholm, T.; Cesari, M.; Cruz-Jentoft, A.J.; Morley, J.E. Evidence-based recommendations for optimal dietary protein intake in older people: A position paper from the PROT-AGE Study Group. J. Am. Med. Dir. Assoc. 2013, 14, 542–559.
Paddon-Jones, D.; Rasmussen, B.B. Dietary protein recommendations and the prevention of sarcopenia. Curr. Opin. Nutr. Metab. Care 2010, 12, 86–90.
International Protein Board. Protein Matters: The Need to Re-evaluate the Adequacy and Application of Protein Requirements.

Nutrition Challenges For Aging: The Impact of Protein on Satiety and Energy Intake

The process of aging causes multiple physiological, psychological and social changes that affect food choice and consumption. Advancing age alters food reward signals, reduces food craving behavior, and suppresses appetite and energy intake, all of which contribute to a condition termed the “anorexia of ageing”. Compared with younger adults, older adults are reported to consume approximately 30% less energy per day. Dietary diversity (the number of different foods or food groups consumed over a given reference period) is also attenuated with ageing, with lower consumption of protein reported in older populations. Inadequate regulation of food and protein intake increases the risk of developing conditions such as sarcopenia and osteoporosis. Therefore, protein-energy homeostasis is considered a fundamental dietary-related determinant of healthy aging.

Dietary protein requirements increase with age, attributed partly to an increase in anabolic resistance to muscle protein synthesis (MPS), which accelerates loss of skeletal muscle mass and function. Maintaining muscle mass is essential to protect against falls, which are a leading cause of injury-related mortality in older people and a consequence of anorexia of ageing.

Despite the highly satiating effects of protein, interestingly, evidence suggests that older adults exhibit a blunted satiety response to protein consumption compared with younger adults. In fact, whey protein drinks have been shown to increase short-term total daily energy and protein intake in older people, even when the protein content of the drinks is very high. Another promising strategy for promoting energy and protein consumption in later life is the fortification of foods with protein. Increasing food volume to meet energy requirements is often unachievable in older groups, therefore, increasing energy and protein density while not affecting or reducing portion size, would be beneficial. As it is frequently reported that older adults consume inadequate amounts of protein, supplementing a healthy diet with additional high-quality protein may sufficiently stimulate MPS, without adversely affecting habitual appetite and food intake. However, further studies investigating compliance with long-term protein supplementation and the effects on satiety and energy intake are warranted.    

With the global population ageing (current UN projections expect 1.5 billion people over the age of 65 by 2050), innovative strategies to support protein-energy homeostasis are essential. Adopting a co-production approach involving academia, industry, practitioners and members of the public may stimulate the design of effective nutritional interventions, which consider age-related changes in physiology, cognition and lifestyle that affect appetite and dietary needs and preferences.

Further references and reading:

Bauer, J., Biolo, G., Cederholm, T., Cesari, M., Cruz-Jentoft, A.J., Morley, J.E., Phillips, S., Sieber, C., Stehle, P., Teta, D. and Visvanathan, R., 2013. Evidence-based recommendations for optimal dietary protein intake in older people: a position paper from the PROT-AGE Study Group. Journal of the American Medical Directors association14(8), pp.542-559.

Dent, E., Hoogendijk, E.O. and Wright, O.R., 2019. New insights into the anorexia of ageing: from prevention to treatment. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition & Metabolic Care22(1), pp.44-51. 

Lonnie, M., Hooker, E., Brunstrom, J.M., Corfe, B.M., Green, M.A., Watson, A.W., Williams, E.A., Stevenson, E.J., Penson, S. and Johnstone, A.M., 2018. Protein for life: Review of optimal protein intake, sustainable dietary sources and the effect on appetite in ageing adults. Nutrients10(3), p.360.

Morley, J.E., 1997. Anorexia of aging: physiologic and pathologic. The American journal of clinical nutrition66(4), pp.760-773.

The Proteins in Milk


Milk contains two main types of proteins – casein and whey. Casein accounts for 80% of the protein in milk, while whey contributes around 20%.

Whey protein is renowned for being a staple in the diet of bodybuilders, which is no surprise given its ability to promote muscle growth and maintenance. However, it is now becoming a key part of mainstreams diets as well, given the unrivaled benefits of high-quality whey proteins.

Whey protein contains all the essential amino acids the human body needs in a form that is rapidly and easily absorbed by the body. Whey protein is particularly high in the branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), especially leucine. This unique BCAA has been shown to trigger muscle protein synthesis, the process by which the body builds and generates new muscle fibers, which is key for everyone of all ages – not just those wanting to get bigger muscles.

The benefits of whey protein go beyond its ability to support muscle tissue; it has been shown to increase satiety, support weight management,manage blood glucose – both in healthy and pre-diabetic subjects – and even help endurance athletes run faster.

Casein, the main protein in milk protein concentrates and isolates, is also a great source of essential amino acids but is absorbed more slowly by the body (graph source: Boirie, Y, et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1997). This has the benefit of supplying the body with essential amino acids over a longer period and is why casein or milk protein is often found in overnight recovery products.

Rate of Leucine Absorption From Whey or Casein


Dairy proteins have long been used in many different applications as they have a long shelf life, can be easily incorporated into products and have a neutral taste. The diversity of applications these proteins can be incorporated into is in part due to the range of ingredients available, many of which have been developed for specific products to meet consumer preferences.


Dairy proteins provide unparalleled nutritional benefits to help consumers reach their sports performance, weight management, lifestyle, and healthy aging goals. The demand for protein-rich foods and supplements continue to skyrocket, as consumers recognize the benefits of incorporating them into their diet through a variety of applications. Not all proteins are created equal, but for consumers looking for the best source of complete amino acid profiles, dairy proteins are unmatched for nutrition and versatility. Embrace the power of dairy!

Optimizing Sleep with Alpha-lactalbumin 

Alpha-lactalbumin | Man laying down in bed to rest

Sleep is a critical part of our daily routine. We spend about a third of our time doing it and it’s as essential as food and water. Getting sufficient quality and quantity of sleep impacts our day-to-day performance, as well as our long-term health.  

The amount of sleep we need and get reduces with age, from most of a newborn’s day spent with eyes closed, through around 10 hours in preschool and school age, to 7-9 hours for most adults (see figure 1). Older adults tend to need less sleep at around 7-8 hours. However, many adults are not getting their optimal amount and quality of sleep. Between our non-stop world, increasing demands on our time and increased stress and anxiety, it’s no surprise that 50-70million Americans are reported to have sleep or wakefulness disorders (NIH, 2023). It’s even been reported that “undiagnosed sleep apnea alone is estimated to cost the [US] Nation $150 billion annually”. Athletic populations may have a higher level of sleep disturbances due to travel, late night competitions and training commitments.  

Sleep impacts our daily functioning, including reaction time, memory, mood, and physical performance. It is also known to be strongly associated with long term health, with less than 7 hours and more than 9 hours in middle-age being correlated with dementia risk from 70 years of age (Sabia et al, 2023). The same level of under-or over-sleeping has also been reported to potentially increase the risk of metabolic syndrome in young adults aged 18-24 years old (Nutrients | Free Full-Text | The Relationship between Sleep Duration and Metabolic Syndrome Severity Scores in Emerging Adults ( This may be through the known impact of sleep on metabolic systems, including blood pressure, glucose homeostasis, and hormone regulation.  

Figure 1. Recommended hours of sleep per day by age group 

Tryptophan’s Influence on Sleep 

As an essential amino acid, tryptophan is required in the diet since the human body cannot make it. Tryptophan, one of the amino acids in the diet that can cross the blood-brain barrier, is a precursor to serotonin, a neurotransmitter in the body that influences the sleep-wake cycle, mood, cognitive function and much more. This neurotransmitter is then converted into the hormone, melatonin (see figure 2). The uptake of tryptophan into the brain is also influenced by the level of other amino acids in the diet.  

Figure 2. Tryptophan’s path to enhancing melatonin

Some foods are richer in tryptophan, as highlighted below. Amongst some of the highest dietary sources is the whey protein fraction, alpha-lactalbumin.   

Figure 3. TRP per serving

Alpha-lactalbumin for enhanced sleep and overnight recovery 

Alpha-lactalbumin and tryptophan have been tested for various measures of overnight recovery, sleep quality and quantity, morning wakefulness and cognitive performance. Essentially, it’s been tested to see if it improves sleep and favorably impacts performance the following day.  

Some early work from Hartmann et al (1979) tested 250mg, 500mg or 1g tryptophan supplementation 20minutes before bedtime in those with longer sleep latencies (the time taken to fall asleep) of more than 30minutes. They found that supplementation with 250mg of tryptophan tended to reduce sleep latency and significantly increased the minutes in slow wave sleep.  

Markus et al (2005) found that evening alpha-lactalbumin intake caused a 130% increase in Trp:LNAA before bedtime, and “modestly but significantly reduced sleepiness and improved brain-sustained attention processes the following morning”. Furthermore, in poor sleepers, this was accompanied by improved behavioral performance.  

More recent work looked at whether supplementing semi-professional female rugby union players 2 hours before bed with for the duration of the season impacted any measures of sleep, including total sleep time, sleep efficiency, sleep onset latency and wake after sleep onset (Gratwicke et al, 2023). Alpha was found to reduce sleep onset latency compared to placebo, in particular during bye weeks (weeks with no competition) and during weeks of away games.  

While MacInnes et al did not see an effect of acute alpha-lactalbumin intake in elite or serious recreational cyclist on either sleep quality or performance, this may have been due to the short intervention period.  

Alpha-lactalbumin – more than just a source of tryptophan  

Alpha-lac is the second most abundant fraction in whey protein and, as we know, whey protein has an unrivalled essential and branched-chain amino acid composition, being one of the highest sources of leucine available. While alpha does provide additional leucine compared to a standard whey, this invaluable array of amino acids gives something extra special – high quality protein the muscles and body thrive on.  

While casein or milk protein is most commonly used in overnight recovery products, whey protein was recently shown to be as effective as caseinate for muscle protein synthesis when taken prior to bedtime (Trommelen et al, 2023).  

NutriPRO™ Alpha  

Milk Specialties relentless quest for optimal ingredient solutions led to the addition of alpha-lactalbumin to our portfolio. With a number of product offerings available for multiple applications, please contact us to learn more about how to utilize our ingredient expertise for your products.  


CDC, Sleep and Sleep Disorders, 2023 

Chaudhry et al. Nutrients. 2023;15(4):1046 

Gratwicke et al. Biol Sport. 2023;40(2):449-455 

Hartmann and Spinweber. J Nerv Mental Dis. 1979; 167(8) 

MacInnis et al. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2020;30(3):197-202 

Markus et al. Am J Clin Nutr. 2005;81(5):1026-1033 

NIH, Sleep Science and Sleep Disorders, 2023 

Sabia et al. Nat Commun. 2021;12(1):2289 

Trommelen et al. Sports Med. 2023;10.1007/s40279-023-01822-3.